Standard Album Cover Size The standard album cover size is generally a friendly nine by ten inches. However, there are many different album cover sizes. The album cover sizes depend on the size of the album. If the album is over one hundred pages, the standard size is usually the largest.
Large Format Album Cover Size The largest format available for album covers is twenty by thirty two inches. This is a very large format that can include everything from the album name to the credits and the band name, etc. Another popular size is forty by fifty inches, which has about a quarter of a page in it. There are some artists who allow extra room on the album cover. Their album art is placed on thin paper so that the reader can easily view all of the art.
Digital Album Cover Size There are many digital stores that sell album covers in different sizes. Most digital stores allow more room for artwork than traditional record stores. Some digital stores allow extra room for the title and a full description of the artist. There are some artists who have very large art pieces on their CDs.
CD Case and Cover Smaller versions of the album cover size can be found for cd cases. Many musicians like to include their personal writings on the inside of a CD case. However, most music stores do not sell CD cases with this amount of artwork. A smaller version of the cover can be used for the inside of the CD case. The paper sleeve is much smaller than the case.
Online Resources Many online sources exist for the size of a CD or for the size of any other album cover. These online resources are great because they allow you to view a variety of different designs without having to print anything from these online resources. A free cover art tool is also available for viewing different free designs of album cover size. You can save these images and use them as a desktop wallpaper or as a printable wall chart.
Resources for Finding Music Books The Internet is a great place to find various different types of music book cover art. Several web sites offer free images of various aspects of album cover art. You can also find several web sites that have detailed descriptions of various book covers and artwork. Music book cover art can be printed from several online sources as well as digital stores.
Downloading Free Photoshop Images One of the easiest ways to create a custom album cover using your own photos is to download free Photoshop images that will fit your requirements. Many people will use the Photoshop program to make their own posters, book cover designs and calendars. However, there are other formats available as well including PICT, TIFF and EPS formats. With a little bit of work you can produce an excellent quality image from your own photographs. This can be done with some of the software available today including Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro and InDesign format programs.
Transform Controls The final four steps in this article will demonstrate how to change the colors of your album covers using your own photos. The first four steps show how to open the Adobe Photoshop application and then open the graphic tab for fonts and transforms. The next step shows how to select a Transforming option from the Transform controls in the Graphic tab. The last step provides an explanation of the Transform controls and how to customize the Transforms to fit your design requirements.